Don't wait to pursue your passions. Embark on a Quest as early as your first year in Franke Honors and gain experience that will help you succeed in undergrad and beyond.
Quest is recommended for first-year, second-year, and recent transfer students. W.A. Franke Honors College students research a topic or issue of their interest with the guidance of a faculty mentor, which then culminates in a final project, paper, artifact, or recorded performance.
Earn Honors units while pursuing your passions! The project topic or issue does not need to be related to your major. This is your chance to choose something you are genuinely excited about.
Most Quest Projects fit into one of these categories:
- Traditional Academic Research: Your project can include traditional forms of academic scholarship as appropriate to your chosen discipline, including lab work, an analysis of existing literature, or a shorter take on a typical academic article.
- Community Project: Your project can include work with a community organization or specialized population, such as a service-learning experience or advocacy work.
- Creative Project: Your project can include original compositions, performances, or exhibitions.
Students receive directed research credit for their participation and monetary awards are granted to winning projects. Participants will be required to present a poster at Honors Pinnacle in the spring semester.
Sound interesting?
If you have decided that a Quest project sounds like a great opportunity for you, there are three tasks you will need to complete the semester before you intend to start your project:
DREAM: Complete the Quest Sign Up Form. This will connect you to Franke staff to receive personalized support.
DESIGN: Plan your project and attend the workshop series on our Calendar of Events to receive guidance on:
- Narrowing down your topic and vetting faculty members.
- Connecting with faculty and securing a Quest mentor.
- Defining your project with the guidance of your Quest mentor.
DELIVER: Submit the Quest Proposal Form by the end of the semester before you'd like to begin your project (this is somewhat flexible. If you're interested, sign up and someone from our office will help you make your project work on your timeline.)
Not sure if you're ready to start? Add your name to the interest list so that you stay up-to-date and receive targeted support as you plan your project.
Quest Sign Up Quest Proposal Guide Quest Proposal Form
Past Quests
Portia Cooper's Quest
Ryan Cotter's Quest
Ryan Kim's Quest
Mira Keeran's Quest
Andrew Pongratz' Quest
Want to learn more? Attend an information session!
View the Calendar of Events for a complete list of upcoming Quest info sessions. Not able to attend? You can view a presentation on Quest and Exploratory Mini-Grants here.
If you have any questions about Quest, please contact the Coordinator, Research and Early Assurance Programs, Gloria Cota Aguirre.