Interact with engaged students across disciplines, increase your course enrollment, and find opportunities to innovate your existing curriculum.
Get Involved
Honors Research Mentorship
Franke Honors students work with faculty across disciplines at different points in their undergraduate career. You can mentor students through Quest Projects, Individual Study, and the Honors Thesis.
Add an Honors Experience to a Course
You can improve course enrollment and create opportunities for students by adding an Honors experience to a course you teach within your department.
Set Up an Honors Section of a Course
During Open Scheduling
When setting up an Honors section for an upcoming academic term, please refer to the resource guide, Setting Up an Honors Section, for instruction on using UAccess during open scheduling. If there are any questions please contact the Registrar's Office (rcshelp@arizona.edu) or the Data Analyst for the Franke Honors College, Marco Quintero at marcoquintero@arizona.edu.
During Closed Scheduling
To set up an Honors section during closed scheduling, your department scheduler can submit a Section Add Form to Room and Course Scheduling through the online Schedule of Classes Request Form. Mark the check box on the form for Honors. Next, add a comment in the Additional Comments field at the bottom of the form that you wish to create an honors section for the course. If you wish to combine the honors section with a non-honors section to inherit the same meeting pattern and instructor, please add this in the Additional Comments field as well. Room and Course Scheduling will process the request and send confirmation once the honors section has been added.
Honors Faculty Liaisons
Most academic departments have designated a faculty member to serve as the Honors Faculty Liaisons for students in their major.
The Honors Faculty Liaison does not generally provide academic advising on degree requirements; rather, this individual provides mentorship and guidance to honors students who are interested in becoming more engaged in their discipline, seeking special research opportunities, or planning for graduate school or careers. Honors Faculty Liaisons can also help students plan for the Honors Thesis and answer questions about research in their areas of interest.
Honors Faculty Bylaws
Franke Honors Learning Outcomes and Pedagogical Approach
As you work with Franke Honors students, please keep in mind that the Franke Honors academic experience is centered around unique learning outcomes and pedagogical approaches.
Contact Kate Alexander, Faculty Chair or Jennie McStotts, Interim Associate Dean.