Honors Faculty Liaisons

Most academic departments have designated a faculty member to serve as the Honors Faculty Liaison for students in their major.

The Honors Faculty Liaison does not generally provide academic advising on degree requirements; rather, this individual provides mentorship and guidance to honors students who are interested in becoming more engaged in their discipline, seeking special research opportunities, or planning for graduate school or careers. Honors Faculty Liaisons can also help students plan for the honors thesis/capstone and answer questions about research in their areas of interest.

Honors Faculty Liaisons List (by major)

Major Faculty Member Title Email Phone number Office Location
Accounting Karen Otto Senior Lecturer, Accounting otto@arizona.edu 520-621-2536 McClelland Hall 301L
Africana Studies Praise Zenenga Associate Professor, Africana Studies zen08@arizona.edu 520-626-9828 Learning Services Building 244
Agribusiness Economics and Management Bonnie Colby

Professor, Agricultural-Resource Economics


Animal Sciences Kathy Broneck Associate Professor of Practice, Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences kbroneck@arizona.edu 520-621-5662 Shantz 217
Anthropology Eleni Hasaki Professor, Anthropology hasakie@arizona.edu 520-626-1398 Haury 122A
Architecture Laura Hollengreen Associate Professor, School of Architecture; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, CAPLA laurah@arizona.edu 520-245-0521 CAPLA-East A203G
Architecture (Please contact during 24 - 25 year) Beth Weinstein Associate Professor, Acting Associate Dean for Student Affairs bmw99@arizona.edu   CAPLA-East A203D
Art/Art History/Art Education/Studio Art Karen Zimmermann Associate Director, School of Art kzim@arizona.edu  520-621-1265  Art Building & Art Museum

Yancy Shirley


Professor, Astronomy yshirley@arizona.edu 520-626-3666 Steward Observatory  N326
Biology Jeremiah Hackett Associate Professor, Ecology/Evolutionary Biology hackettj@arizona.edu 520-621-7514 BSW 336
Business Economics Todd Neumann Lecturer, Economics tcn@arizona.edu 520-621-4135 McClelland Hall 401QQ
Business Management Erin Paradise Lecturer, Management & Organizations, Business Communications eparadise@arizona.edu   McClelland Hall 405Y
Care, Health, and Society Brian Mayer Professor, Sociology brianmayer@arizona.edu 520-626-2190 Social Sciences  432
Chemical and Environmental Engineering Paul Blowers Full and University Distinguished Professor  blowers@arizona.edu  520-626-5319 Harshbarger 128
Classics Rob Groves Associate Professor of Practice, Classics groves@arizona.edu 520-621-1689 Learning Service Building 219
Communication Jake Harwood Professor, Communication jharwood@arizona.edu 520-621-1366 Communication 107
Computer Science Alon Efrat   alon@arizona.edu    
Creative Writing Steph Brown Associate Professor of English stephbrown@arizona.edu   Modern Languages 445F
Dance Elizabeth George Associate Professor, Dance  egeorge@arizona.edu 520-621-2905 Ina Gittings 121D
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Jeremiah Hackett Associate Professor, Ecology/Evolutionary Biology hackettj@arizona.edu 520-621-7514 Bio. Sci. West 336
Economics John Drabicki Associate Professor, Economics drabicki@arizona.edu 520-621-4221 McClelland Hall 401D
English Steph Brown Associate Professor of English stephbrown@arizona.edu   Modern Languages 445F
Entrepreneurship Philip VanBerten   pvanberten@arizona.edu 520-626-2193 McClelland Hall 116
Environmental Sciences Julia Green Assistant Professor juliakgreen@arizona.edu   Shantz 222
Environmental Sciences Dan Ferguson Associate Professor, Dept of Environmental Science dferg@arizona.edu 520-626 -1779 ENR2 N507
Environmental & Water Resource Economics Bonnie Colby Professor, Agricultural Resource Economics bcolby@arizona.edu    
Film and Television Beverly Seckinger Distinguished Outreach Professor bsecking@arizona.edu 520-621-7352 Marshall 229
French Aurelia Mouzet Associate Professor, French and Italian aureliam@arizona.edu 520-621-2039 Modern Languages 556
Gender and Women's Studies Jennifer Crossiant Associate Professor, GWS jlc@arizona.edu 520-626-0079 GWS Building 206
Geosciences Barbara Carrapa Professor, Geosciences bcarrapa@arizona.edu 520-621-5011 Gould-Simpson 303
German Studies Barbara Kosta Department Head & Professor, German Studies bkosta@arizona.edu 520-621-7885 Learning Services Bldg 304
Government and Public Policy Suzanne Dovi Professor, Government and Public Policy sdovi@arizona.edu 520-621-7094 Social Sciences 315
History Kevin Gosner Associate Professor kgosner@arizona.edu 520-621-1586 Cesar E. Chavez Bldg 428
Human Development & Family Sciences Adam Clark Associate Professor of Practice adamclark@arizona.edu 520-621-9573 McClelland Park 315H
Italian Aurelia Mouzet Associate Professor, French and Italian aureliam@arizona.edu 520-621-2039 Modern Languages 556
Judaic Studies David Graizbord Professor, Director of the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies dlgraizb@arizona.edu 520-661-8917 Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg. 420
Latin American Studies Colin Deeds Assistant Director, Latin American Studies colind@arizona.edu 520-626-7242 Marshall 289
Law Keith Swisher Director, BA in Law keithswisher@arizona.edu 520-626-8373 College of Law 118B
Linguistics Diane Ohala Associate Professor of Practice , Linguistics ohalad@arizona.edu 520-621-6897 Comm 301
Management Information Systems Bill Neumann Professor of Practice wtn@arizona.edu 520-621-5169 McClelland Hall 430K
Marketing Rowan El-Bialy Assistant Professor elbialy@arizona.edu   McClelland Hall 320L
Mathematics Kirti Joshi Associate Professor, Mathematics kirti@arizona.edu 520-621-2743 Math 609A
Microbiology Fiona McCarthy Professor, Animal & Comp. Biomedical Sciences fionamcc@arizona.edu 520-626-7321 ACBS 229
Middle Eastern and North African Studies Maha Nassar Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies mtnassar@arizona.edu 520-621-8013 Marshall Bldg. 453
Musical Theatre/Theatre Arts/Theatre Production          
Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Ulises Ricoy NSCS Program Director ricoy@arizona.edu 520-621-7215 Gould-Simpson 624A
Nursing Melissa Goldsmith Clinical Associate Professor, Nursing mgoldsmi@arizona.edu 520-626-6756 Nursing 245
Nutritional Sciences Melanie Hingle Professor; Associate Director, School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness hinglem@arizona.edu 520-621-3087 Shantz 328
Operations and Supply Chain Management Bill Neumann Professor of Practice wtn@arizona.edu 520-621-5169 McClelland Hall 430K
Philosophy Marga Reimer Professor, Philosophy reimer@arizona.edu 520-603-3124 Social Sciences 216A
Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law Peter Vanderschraaf Director of Undergraduate Studies, Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law Program pvanderschraaf@arizona.edu   Social Sciences 213
Physics Charles Wolgemuth Professor, Physics and Director of Undergraduate Studies  wolg@arizona.edu   PAS 451
Physiology and Medical Sciences  Cindy Rankin Associate Professor crankin@email.arizona.edu 520-621-3104 Bio. Sci. West 274
Plant Sciences Betsy Arnold Interim Director and Professor, School of Plant Sciences, and Curator, Gilbertson Mycological Herbarium fungi@arizona.edu 520-396-0854 Forbes 303C

Matthias Mehl



Professor, Psychology
Adjunct Associate Professor, Communication
Associate Professor, Evelyn F Mcknight Brain Institute
Professor, Family Studies-Human Development
mehl@arizona.edu 520-626-2374 Psychology 460
Religious Studies Karen Seat Department Head, Religious Studies and Classics kkseat@arizona.edu 520-626-5152 Learning Services Building 202
Retailing and Consumer Sciences Sabrina Helm Associate Professor, Family and Consumer Sciences
Associate Professor, PetSmart
helm@arizona.edu 520-621-7130 McClelland Park 425A
Russian and Slavic Studies John Leafgren Department Head, Russian/Slavic Studies leafgren@arizona.edu 520-621-5825 Learning Services Building 326
School of Information Clayton Morrison Associate Professor, School of Information claytonm@arizona.edu 520-621-6609 Harvill 437A
Sociology Brian Mayer Professor, Sociology brianmayer@arizona.edu 520-621-2190 Social Sciences 400
Spanish and Portuguese Kristy Doran Associate Professor of Practice kdoran@arizona.edu 520-621-3697 Modern Languages 526
Sustainable Built Environments Garrett Smith Lecturer, School of Landscape Architecture and Planning and Interim Chair, Sustainable Built Environments garrettsmith@arizona.edu 520-621-6751 CAPLA 310A
Veterinary Science Fiona McCarthy Professor, Animal and Comp. Biomedical Sciences fionamcc@arizona.edu 520-626-7321 ACBS 229

Updated 9/15/23