Your Path through Honors
Align your honors studies with your degree path for a personalized journey that suits your goals.
There are as many pathways to graduation with honors as there are Franke Honors students. No matter your major college, the W.A. Franke Honors College is committed to making sure you have the planning tools you need to successfully graduate with honors.
How to Earn Honors Units:
Franke Honors Courses
Whether you're fulfilling general education requirements, taking a one credit seminar to explore new ways of thinking, completing your Franke Honors Thesis, or trying out one of the Premier Franke Honors Courses offered across campus, you will engage with some of the top faculty at the University and bond with other Franke Honors students in these courses.
Honors Contracts
Honors Contracts allow you to earn Honors units for non-Honors courses. Completion of honors contract courses provides a unique opportunity to delve more deeply into course material, gain a more advanced understanding of your discipline, and develop valuable relationships with faculty members.
Study Abroad
Franke Honors students are encouraged to expand their minds through global engagement. If you are interested in a study abroad opportunity that wouldn't ordinarily fulfill honors requirements, check out the Semester Global Experience Policy to earn Honors units for those experiences.
Individual Study
Franke Honors individual study opportunities, overseen by a faculty mentor, allow you to create a custom course based on you academic and professional goals.
Service Learning
Not all service learning programs are credit bearing, but there are ways to earn honors units by adding service learning components to other coursework. These opportunities are also a great way to connect with the Franke Honors community and give back to the broader community.
Get Involved from Day One
Explore programs, clubs, and other student-centered experiences that will help you connect with your fellow Franke Honors students and make the most out of your time at the Franke Honors College. As a bonus, several of these experiences can translate into Honors units!
Find Your Path
Click through for planning tools, sample Franke Honors Pathways, and detailed information on how to stay on track for graduation with honors.
Although there are many different paths to graduation with honors, Franke Honors College does offer signature programming that ensures you will have time to seek, connect, create, evolve, and celebrate, no matter your course of study.
For more information on these signature experiences and how they layer into your undergraduate journey, visit our Your Time in Honors page or contact your advisor.