HNRS 195H-004: How is Language Processed in the Mind?

Speech Therapist
Headshot of Adam Ussishkin

Instructor: Adam Ussishkin
Wed | 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM | In-Person

This class is a beginner-level introduction to psycholinguistics, the study of cognitive mechanisms of how language is processed in the mind. In this class, we’ll look at the specific questions stemming from the field of psycholinguistics to study how humans understand and produce speech from a cognitive, experimental perspective. This will involve studying a number of different levels at which language is processed in the mind: individual sounds and letters; and words and the structure of words. No prior background in linguistics or psychology is needed for this class. At the end of the term, students will have gained knowledge regarding a wide variety of topics relating to the psychology of language, including: how and where language happens in the brain; how children acquire their first language; how speech is produced and comprehended; how words are recognized.
