Name: Allan Paxson
Major(s): Physiology and Medical Sciences
Minors: Educational Psychology
Year in school: Sophomore
Hometown: Polacca, AZ
Clubs/Organizations: PATH Mentoring, Honors College Ambassadors (HCA), University of Arizona Sports Medicine, AZ-Hope
Leisure Pursuits: In my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends, trying new foods, exploring Tucson, and reading poetry.
Research Projects: As a result of the Honors College First-Year Project, I have developed a Health Education Magazine providing Non-Scientific Interpretations of COVID-19 information for Hopi communities. As a student born and raised in the Hopi community, I wanted to design a project that could be available to the community providing much-needed health education on the COVID-19 pandemic. The project not only interprets scientific information but also includes Hopi language to strengthen the interpreted information. With the help of amazing University of Arizona faculty mentors and supportive community sponsors, my project is now available and in the hands of many Hopi community members.
Plans after graduation: I plan on working hard to achieve my goals and plan to give back to the community through service and contribution.
What has been your favorite Honors course or experience that you have been involved with?
As with the Honors College First-Year Project, I can not speak enough about the PATH mentorship program offered at the Honors College. The PATH program has allowed me to make invaluable connections along with gain a great deal of peer support. In my first year at the Honors College, I was able to participate in the program as a mentee. Now, I have the great privilege of serving as a mentor to a group of amazing mentees. I look forward to continuing to provide support to incoming students by sharing my experiences here at the University of Arizona.
What is something you have done during your time at the University of Arizona of which you are especially proud?
During my time at the University of Arizona, I have been able to grow as a person and define who I want to be. I allowed myself to learn the importance of self-care and how important it can be to take care of yourself in order to reach personal/academic goals. Furthermore, I have learned to lean into the concept of utilizing every available resource to help me flourish as a driven University of Arizona student.
What message do you have for other Honors students on finding their own success?
My biggest tip is to find something you enjoy doing, whether that be research, giving back to the community, or pursuing academic endeavors, and run with it. Take advantage of as many opportunities and make the most of what they offer. And lastly, enjoy life, do what you love, and have fun on the journey.
"Allan Paxson began the Honors experience in Fall 2020 - completely online. The student was eager to participate in the First Year Project and engage in research that would impact their community. Ultimately, Allan's project would win in the Applied Research/Community Project category. The project titled "Non-scientific Interpretations of COVID-19 Information for Hopi Communities" was a project that allowed Allen to connect his academic studies and research with his community. The project was more than an opportunity to earn honors credit. Allan saw how covid-19 was impacting communities of color, particularly communities on the reservation. He recognized the need to provide information to the Hopi community that was not filled with scientific terms and information that was difficult to consume and understand. So he sought out to provide information that would be clear while still conveying critical information regarding covid-19. After the completion of his project, Allan was able to secure funding from the local Indian Health Service Center to create a printed version of the information for the Hopi Community. His research filled a need and provides critical information to positively impact the public health of the community. "
– Dr. Cheree Meeks, Assistant Dean, Programs, Diversity and Inclusion, W. A. Franke Honors College
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