Franke Honors Wildcat Alumni & Friends,
Spring brings many things and one of the most exciting is the promise of our Franke Honors graduating class of 2023! This graduating class becomes part of a proud and growing group of alumni here at the Franke Honors College. Like so many of you, our young alumni take with them their hopes and dreams to give back and make a difference in this world. They are future entrepreneurs, doctors, artists, engineers, scientists, and teachers.
In this newsletter, we are excited to feature Emily Chavez, in this spring’s Alumni Spotlight. She is an up-and-coming entrepreneur who is doing great work helping businesses and nonprofits recruit new talent and grow their workforce.
In addition to the amazing accomplishments of our alumni, we recognize how incredibly important staying connected early on is to their success. We are excited to announce that we will be holding our first Young Alumni Happy Hour this coming May to celebrate our recent graduates and give them the opportunity to come together and share their experiences and goals for the future. Be sure to save the date! Invitations will be going out soon.
We support and honor our alumni and friends of the Franke Honors College through the celebration of their achievements. Please take a moment to learn more about our new Franke Honors Alumni Awards, including the Honors Legacy Award which is open to alumni, faculty, staff, and affiliated community members who contribute to the success and mission of the Franke Honors College. I strongly encourage you to nominate someone you feel is deserving of recognition.
We are also proud that we can help our alumni achieve their goals beyond graduation and we hope that you will take advantage of the scholarship resources that our Office of Nationally Competitive Scholarships in the Franke Honors College offers.
This summer I will be launching the new Franke Honors podcast, featuring me in conversation with members of our amazing community. The focus of each episode will be based around the experience, expertise, and interests of our exciting guests. Stay tuned for more information about the first episode, which will feature Dave Franke, Principal at Franke and Company, Inc.
Finally, I hope that you, our alumni and friends, will consider giving back with your time and expertise by becoming a mentor to our students via Honors LINK through the Wildcat Mentor Society, or by filling out our Volunteer Interest Form to learn about other opportunities for meaningful engagement. There are so many ways you can stay involved while making a difference in the lives of future Franke Honors Wildcats!
John Pollard
Interim Dean , W.A. Franke Honors College