Thursday, April 16th
4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Honors Village, Room 1068
Pitch Submissions are due by March 28th
You've devoted yourself to your thesis research for the past year and know more than you could have imagined about your topic, but do you know how to concisely explain it to folks outside of your discipline? Do you have an answer when people ask, "So what is your honors thesis about?" Research is about more than just collecting and analyzing information - It's about articulating an issue, making an impact, and helping people understand why what you're doing should matter to them.
The Honors Fast Pitch Thesis Competition is your opportunity to share your thesis with a broad audience in just 120 seconds. There are two stages to the process:
- Submission of a short audio recording (maximum length: two minutes) describing your capstone to a wide audience. This short audio can be recorded using a smartphone or personal computer - This recording needs to be clear, but it does not need to be professional quality (so focus on your content).
- A live pitch competition for the top ten students (selected on the basis of the audio submissions), will be held after the Pinnacle Showcase on April 16th from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Dean's Excuses available for participating students).
Awards of up to $500 will be given for top Thesis Fast Pitch given live.
Directions to Participants/Rules
- All spring and summer 2020 honors graduates may compete, as long as they are completing their honors thesis/capstone this semester (or have already completed it).
- Presentations must be two minutes or less.
- Must present on capstone experience, discussing the research completed and why a broad range of people should care about what you did.
- Must not use material that is copyrighted (i.e., music or other media).
- Top 10 pitches will be selected on the basis of clarity of content, delivery, impact of work, and ability to convey importance to a broad audience.
- "Live" pitches will be selected from the audio submissions on the basis of clarity, delivery, impact, effective use of supporting materials (i.e., video) and suitability for a broad audience.
- Team submissions cannot be accepted. Students who are completing their thesis as part of a group project are eligible to participate, but should produce a video that highlights their individual contributions to the larger project.
- March 1-March 28th: Application Open
- March 31st: Top submissions selected and notified
- April 16th (4:30pm - 5:30pm): Live Honors Thesis Fast Pitch Competition (Honors Village, Room 1068)
More Information
Questions? Email Thomas Sullivan, Senior Program Coordinator, Student Success.