Cultivating Resilience
Panel Conversation on Wednesday, November 2, 2022
6:30pm - 7:30pm | ENR2 Room S107 and on Zoom
Discussion will be 6:30 - 7:15pm, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A
Topics to be discussed may include:
- What is resilience and what are different ways of thinking about it?
- Is too much resilience a bad thing (i.e., can we "normalize" unhealthy situations/structures)?
- What affect does resilience have on our health and potential risks to our wellbeing?
- How do our educational and social environments shape our capacity for resilience? How can current college students build resilience in the midst of the demands of college?
- How can students cultivate resilience in the face of school/societal/global pressures?
- What do the arts have to do with resilience and the ability to build it?

John M. Ruiz, PhD
Dr. John M. Ruiz is Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona, and his research focuses on psychosocial influences on health. His NIH-funded research examines relationships between individual level psychosocial factors, social behaviors, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk with an emphasis on biobehavioral mechanisms. In addition, Dr. Ruiz has recognized expertise in sociocultural aspects of racial/ethnic health disparities, particularly the epidemiological phenomenon referred to as the Hispanic Health Paradox.

Nicole Yuan, PhD, MPH
Nicole P. Yuan, PhD, MPH, is an Associate Professor in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health. She is currently the Program Director of Health Behavior Health Promotion. Her research focuses on adverse life experiences, substance use, coping, and resilience among Indigenous and other underserved populations. Nicole has a passion for community-based participatory research and qualitative research methods. She has recently expanded her work to include healthy aging and Tai Chi intervention studies, including research with older healthcare workers. Nicole is a licensed clinical psychologist in Arizona.

Kelsey Dayle John, PhD (Diné)
Kelsey Dayle John (Diné) is an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in American Indian Studies and Gender and Women’s Studies. Her work is centered on animal relationalities, particularly horse/human relationships as ways of knowing, healing, and decolonizing education. Alongside Indigenous animal studies, her research interests include Indigenous feminisms, decolonizing methodologies, and Tribal College and Universities. Previously, she taught in the Diné Studies department at Navajo Technical University on Navajo Nation.