HNRS 208H-001: Advanced Analytical Writing and Thinking
Special Topic: Philosophy Through Film: Ethical Inquiries
Wednesday & Friday 11:00am to 12:15pm
Instructor: Patrick Baliani
How does reading Plato inform a viewing of the multi-Academy Award winning movie, Parasite? In what ways do films such as Apocalypse Now, Malcolm X, Sophie's Choice, Schindler's List, and Dead Man Walking relate to ethical issues addressed by philosophers including Aristotle, Kant, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Camus? Students will sharpen their critical thinking, writing, and presentational skills exploring ethical issues pondered for millennia by philosophers and captured in recent and "classic" movies. As the course progresses toward its second half, students will choose movies to be viewed, furthering our study of philosophy through films. Supplemental texts - drawn from literature, the arts, political science - will complement our readings and viewings. We will also attend The Rogue Theatre production of Arthur Miller's A View from the Bridge in relation to our ethical inquiries.