Resume Workshop

Get ready for the Internship Fair!

person sitting at table working on computer


5 – 6 p.m., Oct. 16, 2023



Are you hoping to get an internship or maybe even a job soon?

This workshop is for students in the early stages of their undergraduate career, who are hoping to prepare for internship and job searches. In this meeting, we will learn more about crafting the perfect resume from the ground, up. Led by Franke Honors Advisor Gabrielle Karcheski, we will consider our skills and professional experiences, practice communicating them in professional terms, and learn proper formatting and tips for resumes.

This workshop will be in HNRS 1065 from 5 to 6pm on Monday, October 16th.

Please bring laptops or something to write with.


After this workshop, you’ll be able to go to the Internship Fair on October 25th with the perfect resume in hand!


Gabrielle Karcheski