HNRS 195H-005: Klingon Language

Header for HNRS 195H-005
Headshot of Natasha Warner

Instructor: Natasha Warner
Wednesday | 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM | In-Person
Fall 2025

Learn the structure and pronunciation of the fictional Klingon language from Star Trek, and explore Klingon as a way to introduce many concepts from linguistics through the means of pop culture. The course includes analytical thinking (parsing unknown suffixes from data) and language in society (how the shift over time in presentation of Klingons reflects changing values in our own society). The course relates Klingon content to a wide variety of real-world topics, including anatomy of the vocal tract, sentence structure of the world's languages, exotification of those perceived as different, use of language technologies in the real world and in Star Trek, and bilingualism in society during immigration. There is also time reserved in the course for "managing life in college" topics.
