HNRS 195J-006: Reexamination of the Aztec and Inca Conquest Through Art

Header for HNRS 195J-006
Headshot of Edgard Oregiron

Instructor: Edgard Oregiron
Tuesday | 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM | In-Person
Fall 2025

How do we know what really happened during the first encounters of the Spaniards with the Aztecs and Incas? Well, we don't. All we have is a one-sided narrative told to us by the Spaniards. In this seminar, we will determine the validity of the Spaniards' account of the violent first encounters and the subsequent motives for expansion of the Spanish Empire. This Seminar will accomplish in analyzing the historical accounts written by native historians and art produced by native artists, shortly after the conquest, and compare them to the chronicles and art produced by the Spaniards.
