HNRS 195J-101: Tasting Tomorrow: Portraying Culture and Futurity Through The Culinary World
HNRS 195J-101: Tasting Tomorrow: Portraying Culture and Futurity Through the Culinary World
Instructor: Joseph Nardinelli Fully Online Spring 2025
The course focuses on a few key areas that center on the relationship we all have with food: examining how food operates in defining culture and discussions around cultural heritage; how specific restaurants and figures have informed the growth of Tucson into a City of Gastronomy; and, how different modalities of food media (food writing, poetry, television, film, web content, art, etc.) shape a variety of discourses on contemporary issues ranging from food scarcity to the politics of eating meat/plants to the treatment of laborers within the broader scope of the food industry. By the end of the semester, students have read and viewed materials to foster robust in-class (or online, or both) discussions of these concerns and themes while producing several research-based small-scale projects using a variety of composing strategies and multimodal mediums (such as using Instagram, developing newsletters/web pages, and executing in-person/digital presentations).