HNRS 195J-19: Venturing 101

Smiling entrepreneur in front of her storefront
Headshot of Paul Valdez


Headshot of Julie Bularzik

Instructors: Paul Valdez & Julie Bularzik
MW | 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM | HNRS 1065

What does it take to start a new business or organization? Venturing 101 is an interactive course designed to help you explore topics in venture creation and develop entrepreneurial skills. Course topics include: getting started with a new venture, entrepreneurial mindset, design thinking, ideation techniques, opportunity-recognition, problem identification, customer discovery and validation, learning from failure, building resilience, Lean Canvas business modeling, communicating your idea, building your team, intellectual property, copyright, patents, trademark, and business formation. Through assignments, readings, facilitated activities, guest visits, and community tours you will learn about all of these topics and apply them as you build out an idea of your own. Guest presenters will feature local entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and other venture experts. All majors are encouraged to register.  No previous entrepreneurial experience required.  
