HNRS 216-001: Living Poetry / The Poet's Life & Work

Women reading on her couch
mclane_claire headshot

Instructor: Claire McLane         
Tues/Thurs | 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM | Hybrid
Fall 2025

This Honors course is taught in conjunction with the UA Poetry Center Reading and Lecture Series. Each week we will read works by contemporary poets, explore the context of their work, and attend their public readings; emphasis is placed on exploring marginalized populations and themes related to justice, accessibility, inclusion, and equity. You will have plentiful opportunities to write your own poetry and prose as well as analyze the works of the authors we read. This is a dynamic, discussion-based course in which we look at each book for what it says and how it is made, its exploration of themes and sources, and its craft and project design- the freedoms and constraints, formal features, and transformations of content. We'll get a feel for the expanded field of poetry, its history and landscape, and the people who live there, including ourselves.
