You have expressed a desire to withdraw from the Honors College. This explains the benefits that you will no longer receive once your Honors status is deactivated, so please read each section carefully. You will also be asked a few questions about why you are withdrawing so that we may continue to improve the Honors experience for students. These questions are for internal data analysis only.
You must complete this survey in order to be dropped from the Honors College.
Before we remove your Honors status, we want to be certain that you are aware of benefits you will no longer receive and possible consequences you may not intend. Please read the whole of this page so that you do not lose any privileges or opportunities without full prior knowledge.
- If you are asking to drop your Honors status because you are unable to pay the semesterly fee, there are fee scholarships available to those who qualify. The application is available on The Honors College homepage. This scholarship is intended for students with special circumstances, so that even if you do not now qualify for financial aid, you may be eligible for the scholarship.
- If you request to drop before the 21st calendar day of the semester, your Honors fee will be refunded if you are not currently taking any Honors courses. If you request to drop after the 21st calendar day of the semester, you will not receive a refund. You should contact the Bursar's Office at 520-621-3232 if there are any problems with the refund.
- Students not in The Honors College will be unable to register for or enroll in Honors courses for future semesters (except in Math and English, where placement is separate). This includes Honors independent studies (399h and 499h) and Honors capstone credits (498h), as well as Honors contracts. Students who are not in the Honors College will not be eligible to register early for classes.
- If you withdraw from the Honors College, you will not be automatically withdrawn from your in-progress Honors courses. If you would like to withdraw from a course, you must adhere to the university's withdrawal processes and deadlines. Refer to the academic catalog for details.
- If you withdraw from the Honors College and decide later to return, you may do so only once. Any Honors credit you accumulated when you were not an active Honors student cannot be counted toward graduation with Honors.
- You must be an active Honors student in order to graduate with Honors.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Honors College at 520-621-6901. The decision to remain in The Honors College is an individual one, but we would be happy to talk with you about the benefits of staying in the Honors College, or your options.
Honors Drop Survey