Consider joining Honors Student Council this academic year and get to know other Honors students while getting more involved with the Franke Honors College!
We are a group of students who meet biweekly and plan events throughout the semester for our Franke Honors community. We plan and take part in philanthropy events in the Tucson community, host external events in a variety of interests, and go on field trips to places like San Diego and Sedona. We are looking forward to adding new members to our club and cannot wait to get started this semester!
The mission of Honors Student Council is to create a community within the W.A. Franke Honors College between the students and staff. The council is composed of dedicated Franke Honors students who want to share their vision of what the honors experience should be at the University of Arizona. This exclusive club is intended for people who are excited and enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to this experience. It accomplishes this goal through the following objectives:
- be the collective voice of the Franke Honors students.
- create programs of interest to Franke Honors students.
- allocate funds in accordance with the desires of the Franke Honors students.
- serve as a liaison between staff and students.
- create a small community atmosphere.
- community involvement.