Pre-Law & Pre-Business Students Sought to Help with Tax Preparation

Do you prepare your own taxes? Have you always wanted to learn how? If either of these apply to you, you're the perfect candidate to be a VITA volunteer! Research shows that, for low-income families, tax refunds are an essential windfall to access doctors and pay down loans. If you want to help your fellow Tusconans in their pursuit of financial stability, learn more about our local VITA program and become a VITA volunteer! Learn more about this great program and register for a fall orientation today!
The VITA tax program offers free tax preparation for low-middle income families and individual. This is a great opportunity for honors students (especially pre-law or pre-business) to get hands-on professional experiences and interact with a diverse local population while helping increase financial stability. The VITA program is looking for volunteers who would be trained and IRS certified to prepare taxes. This training is thorough and caters to volunteers from all disciplines. There is also an opportunity to volunteer in other more customer-service oriented roles that would help volunteers develop soft skills. To read an overview of the program.