Name: Nowie Se
Major(s): Physiology (+ Minor in Psychology)
Year in school: Sophomore
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Clubs/Organizations: SMORES Sophomore Honorary, CatCall A Cappella, Bear Down Camp, ThinkTank
Leisure Pursuits: I love to sing! My roommates probably hate me because whenever I’m home, I always like to sing in my room as a way to take a break from the stresses of college. (Makes sense why I’m in an a cappella group as one of my extracurriculars!) I also love to watch movies and have always wanted to be involved in some sort of filmmaking one day.
Research Projects: Not at the moment.
Plans after graduation: I want to go to Physician Assistant School! If I don’t have as much experience as I want by the time I graduate, I may take a gap year to get more experience working in health care before I begin applying. :)
What is something you have done during your time at UA of which you are especially proud?
The a cappella group that I am in placed 4th out of 10 groups at an a cappella competition earlier this month (if only counting groups from UArizona, we were 2nd!). We also won the award for best choreography! Placing in the top 5 was a huge deal for us because we had worked tirelessly for months on perfecting our sound quality and choreography. Although we didn’t win and fell short of placing in the top 3, the fact that we were able to place 4th by just being ourselves, not trying to appeal to the judges, was a huge deal for us. I really feel like being a part of an a cappella group has made me stick out compared to others. I am proud of myself for being able to balance singing with being in a sophomore honorary, being a physiology major in the Honors College, and being a math and chemistry tutor at the ThinkTank.
What message do you have for other Honors students on finding their own success?
It’s easy to want to be successful when you are constantly surrounding yourself with amazing influences. The people I surround myself with – they always motivate me to excel in school, get involved on campus, and be my best self.
"This student absolutely deserves the recognition of student of the month. Nowie is just an outstanding individual and I truly dont know how he gets all the things on his plate done. He goes above and beyond with everything he does. Nowie is super involved on campus. He is involved in a sophomore honorary and CatCall, but also manages to keep his school work a priority. He is currently majoring in Physiology and minoring in Psychology. He aspires to one day go to medical, and I have no doubt he will be an amazing physician based on his compassion for others. One time Nowie was late to an advising appointment with me because he lost track of time handing out cake pops he had bought to people that just might need a pick-me-up. I thought to myself how I was glad he was late because we need more people like him out spreading kindness."
– Kailey Shill, Honors College Assistant Director for Academic Advising
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