Name: Julia Valgento
Major(s): Business Economics with minors in Africana Studies and Government and Public Policy
Year in school: Senior
Hometown: Mesa, AZ
Clubs/Organizations: Not many, I worked 4 jobs so there was limited time to be involved in clubs. I worked as the Lead Resident Assistant at the Honors Village, an undergraduate law clerk at the Pima County Public Defender’s office, development assistant for the Honors College and as a server at Frog and Firkin. In the past I was involved in Phi Alpha Delta, the pre-law fraternity.
Leisure Pursuits: I like to read, paint, and spend time with friends. I enjoy travelling and going on road trips.
Research Projects: I am working on my thesis to develop an economic model to examine private prison contracts. The goal is to reevaluate government contracts with private prisons to enhance inmate and employee conditions by improving prison quality and improving reentry services through contract incentives.
Plans after graduation: I am taking a gap year then apply to law school. The goal is to work as an attorney to improve the criminal justice system. I want to pursue public interest or civil rights law to advocate for a reduction in mass incarceration, an increase in rehabilitation, and improved public policy and legislation.
What is something you have done during your time at UA of which you are especially proud?
The thing that has impacted me the most during my time at the UA has been working at the Pima County Public Defender’s office. As an intern with the PD’s office, I had the chance to work directly with clients to advocate for a more equitable criminal justice system. It has given me a deeper understanding of the need for criminal justice reform and has helped me to develop unique skills to be able to be a better advocate. I helped conduct public policy research, provide reentry services to clients, and help connect client to mental health and housing resources.
What message do you have for other Honors students on finding their own success?
Do what you are passionate about. If something is exciting and gives you energy, then you should pursue that over something that you think is the “right” option. It is okay to personalize your college experience instead of trying to fit into a box of what people believe defines success. If you chose to get a job instead of an internship, it doesn’t mean you are less successful than your peers. If you aren’t involved in clubs because the dues are too expensive, you aren’t less qualified. If something is taking too much energy or affecting your mental health, it is okay to put it to the side. Do what you can to make your college experience the best it can be given where you are at. There is not one definition of what it means to be successful in college, so be authentic in what you are passionate about and success will come. Pursue something that brings you joy and happiness because at the end of the day, it is going to be like pulling teeth to be successful at something you hate. Lastly, the best piece of advice I ever got was that while you are in college you have a magic ticket to ask almost any professional about their life. Use the fact that you are in college to network and conduct informational interviews with people who have your dream jobs. Most people are excited to talk to college students, so take advantage of that while you can.
"Two of UA's Honors College's most important values are passion and dedication, which Julia implements in every aspect of her life. She has committed herself throughout undergrad to enhancing the Honors Experience for all Wildcats by introducing new programs as both an Honors College staff member and RA. She tirelessly advocates her residents and staff to ensure that the first year of the Honors Village is as successful as possible and results in an inclusive, welcoming community for everyone. "
– Jessy Forelli, Lead RA’s with Julia
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