W.A. Franke Scholarship

The W.A. Franke Scholarship is a four-year award of up to $15,000/year for exceptional students admitted to the W.A. Franke Honors College. This small and elite group of students will join the community of Franke Scholars at the University of Arizona.

This prestigious award is specific to the Franke Honors College and UArizona. Preference will be given to first generation students, those from rural/underserved areas, and/or to those who have faced financial challenges or barriers. 

Any applicant for the Franke Scholarship must be admitted to the W.A. Franke Honors College prior to application consideration. No exceptions can be made to this requirement, so it is imperative that any student considering applying for the Franke Scholarship apply by the priority deadline. Franke Scholars are selected by the Franke Scholarship Committee. Students will be scored on their essay responses, recommendation letters, and personal resume. Students will be notified in early April. Students who receive the scholarship are expected to: 

  • make active progress towards graduation with Honors (enrolling in required seminar courses, enrolling in honors units, maintaining GPA requirement, and planning for thesis project/capstone). 
  • participate as mentees in the PATH Mentoring Program (Partnerships Through Honors) in their first year. 
  • participate in cohort-building activities with other W.A. Franke Scholars. 

Because of the generous dollar value of the Franke Scholarship, no other major donor scholarships may be combined if offered. However, this award can supplement many other external scholarships and can be enhanced by any need-based aid based on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA). The Franke Scholarship cannot be combined with Flinn, Baird, Dorrance, or Stamps Scholarships. 

Open Date: 12/15/2024
Close Date: 2/15/2025 

For the application and application requirements, see Scholarship Universe. To access Scholarship Universe, you must be admitted to the University of Arizona. 

Please contact Angie Valdez, Assistant Director of Internal Scholarships, with any questions.