UR Inspration: International Undergraduate Research Symposium and Conference

Flier for UR Inspiration on October 25


8 a.m. – 2 p.m., Oct. 25, 2023

The 2023 Undergraduate Research (UR) Inspiration/Inspiración Symposium is a 1-day international skill-building event hosted virtually by four participating organizations including: the University of Arizona, Florida International University, the University of New Mexico, and Fulbright Argentina!

  • Create and share oral and poster research presentations to a wide array of audiences
  • Overcome Imposter Syndrome in an academic and research lab setting
  • Apply to graduate schools with advice from professors in different areas of research
  • Meet and network with undergraduates and professors from across North and South America
  • Discover research opportunities from participating universities and so much more!

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Karna Walter