A Road Trip to Remember: Honors Alternative Spring Break Changes You

Honors Alternative Spring Break (HASB) Applications are now open for students of all years!
Interested in spending your spring break with other honors students learning about a community outside, or within your own? HASB is a program that takes honors students to various cities over spring break to participate in service learning trips. This means that students will both learn about, and serve the communities they visit.
Never volunteered for an organization before? That’s alright! This trip is for any honors student who feels passionately about serving others. Our trips this year are to Whiteriver, AZ, San Diego, CA, Los Angeles, CA and one right here in our very own city of Tucson.
Each trip is centered around a certain service focus, learn about each one below:
Whiteriver, AZ – Students explore the beautiful mountains in Arizona and will be working with an Apache community on issues of education, sustainability and farming. This is a unique experience where students are invited to first-hand experience of life on a reservation.
San Diego, CA – Known for its beautiful beaches and perfect weather, students unveil public health issues that lay within the city though engaging activities with the environment and through addressing homelessness.
Los Angeles, CA – Students will take an active role in understanding homelessness, immigration and gang rehabilitation through hands-on experiences that will challenge their perspectives about poverty.
Tucson is a vast and vibrant city, but one that many students don’t explore. Through this local trip, you will get to know your city and take a look at real issues from poverty to public health in the place we call home.
Apply now: https://goo.gl/forms/QABNWSTOm7cmxPSB2
Deadline: October 1st