Name: Jason Kronenfeld
Major: Chemistry
Minor(s): Math & French
Year in school: Senior
Hometown: Oro Valley, AZ
Clubs/Organizations: Phi Beta Kappa, Rho Alpha Sigma
Leisure Pursuits: I love to go backpacking and hiking in the Tucson mountains in my free time.
Research Projects: I joined the Renquist research group in 2017 where I have worked on projects related to lactation, metabolic rate, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, asthma, and more. I have led work on two projects. 1) Understanding the mechanism by which heat suppresses food intake as an effect of global warming. Increasing heat-stressed food intake is proposed to increase milk production in lactating mammals, increase animal efficiency, and decrease milk production costs. 2) Creating a novel approach to address glycemic control for the treatment of type two diabetes mellitus (my honors thesis work). I am currently collaborating with Dr. Khanna's research group to conduct in silico, in vivo, and in vitro testing of the novel approach.
Plans after graduation: Upon graduation in 2021, I will immediately enter a PhD program in chemistry, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship with the ultimate goal of acting as a principal investigator in academia. I am proud to announce that I currently have admissions offers at MIT, Stanford, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Baylor University, and interviews at Oxford and Vanderbilt.
What has been your favorite Honors course or experience that you have been involved with?
My favorite Honors course so far was Dr. John Pollard's Honors General Chemistry. The experiences and depth of the course are extenuated by the Honors experience; with additional access to materials and methods beyond that of regular courses. Performing chemistry education research and preceptoring with Dr. John Pollard's teaching team for Honors General Chemistry has also been extremely rewarding and insightful. Additionally, being an Honors RA has given me a lot of insight into and experience in higher education management, teaching styles, presentation, and facilitation of connections.
What is something you have done during your time at UA of which you are especially proud?
There are quite a few things that I have been involved in at the UA which I am quite proud of. These include publishing my research in the Renquist lab, working on the water quality project with Dr. Pollard and the Honors Catalyst class, creating the Finding Faculty for Research program for Honors dormitory residents, and involvement in the Biosphere 2's Living and Learning Dormitory project.
What message do you have for other Honors students on finding their own success?
"Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better." UA has a TON of opportunities to get involved with from research to academics to volunteer activities, just ASK if you want to get involved with something!
"Jason is an extremely down to earth, intelligent, caring, and just overall wonderful young man. Even with his busy schedule, he volunteers in our department to help other students succeed through peer mentoring, workshops, and more. He is currently mentoring several incoming Fall 20 freshmen, is participating in our student success workshop as a guest speaker, volunteers to help at almost any orientation session we have and gives tours to potential students. He does all of this while managing his schoolwork, research obligations, and personal life. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of recognition than Jason for his contributions to the CBC and UA communities."
– Christine Gronowski, Academic Advisor II, Chemistry & Biochemistry
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