Online Volunteering Opportunities

Female working on her laptop

Honors Senior Marcos Gomez Ambriz curated a list of online volunteer opportunities that will help mitigate the negative mental health effects that people are experiencing during social distancing. 

Be My Eyes

Is an app that connects seeing volunteers with blind and low-vision people to provide visual assistance via live video calls. It s a free app that doesn't require an application process-you just make an account and that is it. 


Is a program where you are partnered with a patient undergoing chemotherapy. You send a letter or small gift to the patient every week and do this for the duration of the chemotherapy. They only caveat to this opportunity is that you must be over 25 years of age because they have had young volunteers stop sending letters mid-therapy and that really negatively impacts the patients. 

7 Cups

Is a an on-demand emotional health and online therapy provider. Volunteers are trained on active-listening and have access to support and coaching from friendly mentors. Volunteers connect with people for all kinds of reasons ranging from big existential thoughts to small day-to-day experiences. 

Additional Online Opportunities