Luisa Aranda

Political Science
Headshot of Lusia Aranda

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Major(s): Political Science
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Other Campus Involvements: Franke Honors Ambassador. Campus Rec Group Fitness
I Joined FHA Because... I became a FHA because I wanted to show potential students and families the opportunities available within the Honors College and serve as a guide for them during the whole college touring process. 
My Favorite Honors Course was... My favorite honors course was an Oceanography course I took my first semester because it was very different from all of the other classes I've taken. 
Favorite Spot on Campus: My favorite spot on campus is the Environmental Building because there are many spots to sit down and do homework. The cool architecture and plants gives it a very peacful and relaxing environment and makes it feel like you are not in the desert. 
Fun Fact: I am trilingual and speak Spanish, English, and French.