Honors College Study Abroad/Travel Abroad Photography Competition
The Honors College hosts an annual photo contest for students to showcase the amazing sights and transformative experiences they had while studying abroad. This year we are opening the contest to students who have had independent, non-academic travel abroad experiences. If you are an Honors student who studied abroad or traveled abroad between August 2019 and March 2020, share your photos and compete for cash awards and recognition through the Honors Study Abroad/Travel Abroad Photography Competition!
Application Process (2020-2021)
Eligibility: Student must be currently enrolled in the Honors College for academic year 2020-2021 and must have studied abroad or traveled abroad between August 2019 and March 2020.
Deadline: Photos must be submitted no later than January 15, 2021. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JANUARY 22, 2021.
Entries: Students may enter up to 4 photos (1 per category). The same photo may not be used for more than one category.
For questions, please contact Candice Crossey at crossey@email.arizona.edu.
A “Best in Show” will be chosen from the winning entries.
- People - Should tell the story of the people where you studied abroad, or visited while studying or traveling abroad. This category is not limited to portraits.
- Places - Should tell the story of the places where you studied abroad, or visited while studying or traveling abroad. This category is not limited to landscapes.
- Cultural Experience - Festivals, ceremonies, and traditions that are unique to the places you visited while studying or traveling abroad. (Examples: traditional crafts being made, religious ceremonies, historical celebrations, costumes, and sporting events.)
- “That’s Me!" - Put your best "Selfie" forward. In true selfie fashion this must be a photo of you (alone), taken by you while studying or traveling abroad.
- Photos must have been taken while studying or traveling abroad between August 2019 and
March 2020 - Photos must be taken by you for all categories
- Photographs may be color or black/white
- Photos must be HIGH resolution – each file should be at least 1MB – preferably, 2MB+
- Photos must be saved and submitted as a jpeg
All winning photographs will be displayed for one year in the main entry of the new Honors Village.
- Three (3) First Place prizes of $250 will be awarded in People, Places, Cultural Experiences, and That’s Me!
- Three (3) Second Place prizes of $100 will be awarded in People, Places, Cultural Experiences, and That’s Me!
- Three (3) Third Place prizes of $50 will be awarded in People, Places, Cultural Experiences, and That’s Me!
Photos will be judged by a committee using the following criteria:
- Image quality, technical skill, and composition
- Extent to which the photograph conveys a sense of exploration or adventure and the value of their study abroad/travel abroad experience
- The relationship of the photograph to the category, which should also be conveyed in a well-written description.
Photo Guidelines:
COLOR SATURATION: Your goal should be to make it real. Please avoid significant over- or under-saturation. Some make the mistake of over-saturating color, making their images look cartoonish.
BRIGHTNESS & CONTRAST: These tools can be helpful in making your photo stand out. Again, too much can be a detriment. Make your photo look real.
IMAGE SHAPES: Vertical or horizontal rectangular images, square images.
CROPPING: Encouraged – if your thumb is in the frame, crop it out!
It is acceptable, and encouraged, to use some post-processing before submitting your photographs (ex. Photoshop, filters, cropping).
All images may be used by the Honors College to promote the college and its study abroad programs. All work submitted must be your own. Violations will be subject to the Code of Academic Integrity.