Allie Cincera

Pronouns: She/Her
Major(s): BFA Film and Television
Hometown: Peachtree City, GA
Other Campus Involvements: Franke Honors Ambassador, Dolce Vida Italian Club, PAMFAD
I Joined FHA Because... I joined FHA to connect with other honors students and encourage incoming and current students at the U of A to join the wonderful Franke Honors College community. I also wanted to help increase Fine Arts representation within FHA.
My Favorite Honors Course was... My favorite honors course was an Analytical Writing and Thinking Course taught by Patrick Baliani.
Favorite Spot on Campus: My favorite spot on campus is the grassy hills by the student union. A lot of great people watching can be done there.
Fun Fact: This past year, I have started to learn film photography and hope to develop my own film soon!