Samuel Ellis

Pronouns: he/him
Major(s): Biochemistry and Molecular/Cellular Biology
Hometown: Bakersfield, CA
Other Campus Involvements: FFHA, AZ Ambassador, Chemistry/Biochemistry Ambassador, Daily Wildcat, Undergraduate Research, Comedy Corner, Latine Student Association
I Joined FHA Because... I joined FHA because I love being involved in my community and helping those around me. I love that I get to help prospective students better understand the Franke Honors College.
My Favorite Honors Course was... My favorite honors course was the honors General Chemistry course with Dr. John Pollard.
Favorite Spot on Campus: My favorite spot on campus is the Koffler building. I spend way too much time in those chemistry labs, but it's always a lot of fun!
Fun Fact: I'm a part of an on-campus improv group called Comedy Corner and we perform every week!