Ceili Olney

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Major(s): Neuroscience & Cognitive Science and Psychological Science
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ
Other Campus Involvements: I am an Arizona Ambassador, providing whole campus tours to incoming students. I am in a research lab that is studying the effects of medications on the brain over prolonged usage. I also have an internship that is testing different preservation techniques of human cadaveric tissue.
I Joined FHA Because... I joined FHA because I had a wonderful experience touring the honors village and talking to the ambassadors when I was a prospective student, and I wanted to give that same experience to others. I also really enjoy chatting with incoming students and giving them advice regarding things that I have learned in my time here.
My Favorite Honors Course was... My favorite Honors course was my Analytical Writing course that I took my freshman year to fulfill my diversity emphasis. It was an incredibly interesting class that was filled with fascinating conversations and field trips to the theatre. I recommend it to everyone I can.
Favorite Spots on Campus: My favorite spot on campus is the Highland Bowl and Tree Ring Research Library. That whole area is beautiful with large trees and soft grass. The hydrologic plant next to it makes it sound like you’re in a rain forest!
Fun Fact: My name means party, dance, and music in Irish Gælic, and it is a huge part of why I am really connected to the Irish community of Arizona.