The University of Arizona Honors College has been rated as the most improved Honors College for
2020-2021 by INSIDE HONORS.

Honors Associate Dean and Professor, John Pollard, teaching in one of the many open and collaborative spaces available in the Honors College.
The University of Arizona Honors College has been rated and reviewed by INSIDE HONORS for 2020-2021. We ranked as the most improved Honors Colleges since our last review in 2018. This review includes 40 Public University Honors Programs across the nation, and this is the fifth edition of their biannual reviews and ratings of public university honors colleges:
“The UA Honors College is the most improved honors program since our publication of the 2018 edition. As noted below, the overall rating is now 4.5 “mortarboards,” and, while the longstanding strengths of the university and its Honors College remain—strong academic departments across the board, excellent performance winning prestigious scholarships—the College has upped its game to offer many more honors class sections and honors courses in the academic disciplines. Many honors programs provide students with outstanding seminars and interdisciplinary courses during the first year, especially, but most do not go on from there to present a range and depth of honors courses in the most popular disciplines: engineering, computer science, business, economics, political science, biology, and, yes, even physics. Add a brand new, highly-rated honors residence village, generous financial aid, and a fast-track program to medical school, and you have a large and rapidly improving honors alternative in the Southwest. With a better student to staff ratio and an improvement in graduation and completion rates, the UA Honors could be among the very best in the nation.”
Our vision for the future is student-centered, and we are working on an innovative vision for the Honors College that will help to expand and further enrich the Honors experience for our students. We are immensely proud of the hard work and dedication of our faculty, staff, and the remarkable students we serve. We are also grateful to you, our family of distinguished alumni and friends. You carry forward in your careers, lives, and through your support, a continued commitment to success and excellence.