What does it mean to be an HSI-Honors?
Welcome, Franke Honors Wildcats! The W.A. Franke Honors College is honored to be a part of the Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) community at the University of Arizona and seeks to support our hispanic students through offering helpful resources, bilingual learning, and inclusive community throughout their Honors experience.
Hispanic and Latin American students make up about 25% of our Franke Honors student population and play an important role in our Honors identity. Whether you have a Hispanic or Latin American background, or desire to learn about the diverse Hispanic and Latin American culture and community, The W.A. Franke Honors College has a variety of courses and faculty available to support you building a culturally knowledgeable foundation during your undergrad.
“Being involved in the Hispanic community was a big part of my upbringing. Coming to college on my own and being able to connect with others that have a similar background has made the transition less frightening and helped me come out of my comfort zone! It has been very rewarding getting involved with HSI initiatives and introducing students like me to helpful resources and opportunities.”
- Alexa Chavez, Franke Honors sophomore studying engineering

¿Qué significa ser parte de HSI-Honores?
¡Bienvenidos Franke Wildcats! La Facultad de Honores W.A. Franke se complace en formar parte de la comunidad Institución de Servicio Hispano (HSI) en la Universidad de Arizona para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes Latinx y Latinoamericanos ofreciendo recursos útiles, aprendizaje bilingüe y una comunidad inclusiva a lo largo de su experiencia en HSI-Honores. Los estudiantes Latinx y Latinoamericanos constituyen aproximadamente el 25% de nuestra población estudiantil en Franke Honors y poseen un papel importante de nuestra identidad de Honores. Ya sea que tenga antecedentes latinos, o deseen aprender sobre la diversidad de la cultura y comunidad latina. La Facultad de Honores W.A. Franke ofrece una variedad de cursos y cuenta con profesores dispuestos a ayudar para construir una base de conocimiento cultural durante su licenciatura.
“Estar involucrada en la comunidad latina fue una parte importante de mi educación. ¡Llegar a la universidad por mi cuenta y poder conectarme con otras personas que tienen raíces similares ha hecho que la transición sea menos aterradora y me ayudó a salir de mi zona de confort! Ha sido muy gratificante involucrarme en las iniciativas de HSI e introducir a estudiantes como yo a recursos y oportunidades útiles”. -Alexa Chavez
Learn from esteemed faculty— across the University of Arizona and beyond.
Meet the Faculty who will be teaching HSI-Honors courses and guiding you through your academic journey.

Nadia Alvarez Mexia
Assistant Professor of Practice, W.A. Franke Honors College
HSI Fellow 2018-2019

Jessica Retis
Director, School of Journalism
Director, Bilingual Journalism / CUES Fellow

Enroll in a wide variety of HSI-Honors Course Offerings
Choose from a number of Franke Honors course offerings centering around the Hispanic and Latin American experience or relating bicultural perspectives. Sharpen your Spanish in bilingual classrooms and/or learn about identity, global diversity, film, and more.
Instructor: Rafael Barceló-Durazo
Societies are intricate organisms we make part of, but our individual experiences model how to understand everything about them. To define our self, the other needs to be outlined and social narratives will handle most human interactions. This Seminar will offer a historical, sociological, and political account of migrations and integration in contemporary societies, with a succinct analysis of the legal framework and policies that regulate them.
Instructor: Andrea Romero
Bicultural and bilingual approaches to psychology derived from indigenous Mexican worldviews to promote resilience in the face of challenges, overcoming societal oppressions, and creating healthy communities. This course discusses psychology from a borderlands perspective that is rooted in being socially just, inclusive and situated within a global context.
Instructor: Nadia Alvarez Mexia
Expand your perspective and voice, and explore the multicultural intersectionality of different nations and individuals and watch your horizons broaden. This course is being taught entirely in Spanish.
Instructor: Jessica Retis
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of communication, media, and language policies, as well as the complex linguistic networks and currents that underpin our post-digital society, and Latinx cultural politics and practices. Surveying the origins, current trends, and future scenarios of bilingual spaces in the United States, the course introduces the main developments in critical language studies and Latinx communication and media scholarships. Students will examine the diverse linguistic contexts in their future professional careers and discuss their role in contemporary society.
Instructor: Beatriz Urrea
Throughout its history, Latin America has witnessed a conflict of social, cultural and political differences. The challenges of defining Latin America have been arduous and at times difficult. Each academic discipline has taken a narrow prospective view of what is Latin America. Therefore, this class Introduces students to the concept and origins of popular culture and to social theories used to analyze its impact on self, culture in modern consumer societies and national and regional images of identity. Students will focus on understanding the history, politics, cultural, and social reality changes in Latin America.
Instructor: Joel Muraco
This course provides a synthesis of our understanding of men in their role as fathers in families from biological and cultural perspectives. The biological perspective explores the evolutionary history and adaptive dimensions of human fatherhood, including comparisons with forms of parenting and family life in other primate species, male life history strategies, and the contributions of genetic, developmental, physiological and ecological factors to fatherhood. The cultural perspective examines the ways in which fatherhood, marriage, and families vary across cultures, in relation to differences in social traditions and practices, socio-political systems, and modes of subsistence. The synthesis of these two perspectives consists of understanding socio-cultural variability in human paternal behavior in the context of human evolutionary adaptations to past and ongoing social and ecological pressures. Through in-class group activities and homework assignments students will apply current theories and data concerning fatherhood to their own lives, and will pursue their implications for society at large.
Instructor: Jennie McStotts
This interdisciplinary course explores multiple perspectives on the humanities related to a specific location - Tucson. The course combines academic analysis with a community perspective. UA professors and members of the community present each week on a particular topic in order to provide an interdisciplinary view and multiple analytical perspectives. Students will be assigned reading for each unit and will engage in active fieldwork and critical writing in response to materials presented. Excursions are important to the work of the course. Frequent group discussions facilitated by the instructor ensure that students make connections between and among learning experiences in the class. The instructor provides an overarching context and critical methodology for thinking about the materials presented.
Instructor: Kristin Doran
Instructor: Faith Harden
Be a part of the Honors Consortium
During fall of 2022, the W.A. Franke Honors College will join with other Honors Colleges and Programs in an Honors Consortium for Hispanic Serving Institutions. The focus of the HSI-Honors Consortium will be on the “S” of HSI: servingness. The idea of “servingness” within Honors focuses on supporting and engaging with our Hispanic and Latin American students, rather than just enrolling them.
The group of Honors Colleges and Programs within the Consortium will center on collaborative efforts to support the exchange of relevant teaching practices, professional development, networking opportunities, information and resources, and stimulate potential collaboration for pursuing funding opportunities and other important partnerships.
Learn more about the Honors Consortium
Get in touch with University of Arizona HSI Resources
For more information and resources regarding the University of Arizona’s HSI Initiatives, please visit https://hsi.arizona.edu/
Sea Parte del Consorcio de Honores
Durante el otoño 2022, la Facultad de Honores W.A. Franke se reunirá con otras facultades y programas de honores a través del Consorcio HSI-Honors diseñado para las instituciones con designación al servicio de la comunidad hispana (HSI en inglés). El enfoque de este consorcio reside en “servir” (servingness en inglés). Esta idea de servicio en una Facultad o Programa de Honores se enfoca en apoyar y vincular a nuestros estudiantes Latinx y Latinoamericanos más allá de solo inscribirlos en nuestras instituciones.
El grupo de facultades y programas de honores dentro de este consorcio orienta sus esfuerzos para crear colaboraciones que apoyen el intercambio de prácticas de enseñanza, desarrollo profesional, oportunidades de creación de redes de colaboración, intercambio de información y recursos, y estimular colaboraciones potenciales para buscar oportunidades de financiamiento y otras asociaciones relevantes.
Para aprender más sobre este consorcio en la Universidad de Arizona
Póngase en contacto con la Universidad de Arizona y sus Recursos HSI
Para más información y recursos sobre las iniciativas de HSI en la Universidad de Arizona, visite: https://hsi.arizona.edu/