The Compton Lab for Discovery and Innovation
Empowering students to take intellectual risks and follow their curiosity where it leads.
Learn how to learn; teach and mentor others. Be curious, pursue your dreams and have fun.
The Compton Gift
In fall 2023, Dr. John Lee Compton made a generous $3.2 million gift to the W.A. Franke Honors College to establish The Compton Lab for Discovery and Innovation. The gift has two primary focus areas: The Compton Chair for Creative Intelligence and Innovation, a faculty position held by Dr. Jacqueline Melvold that will oversee the college’s newest degree program, The Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII), and the Compton Fund for Exploration. True to its name, the fund supports Exploratory Mini-Grants, up to $5,000 for an individual and $10,000 for a team, that encourage students to explore beyond their primary major and discipline.
Fueling an Ecosystem of Innovation
The Compton Lab is not a brick-and-mortar location. Rather, it is an expansive ecosystem that enhances all future-facing programming within the Franke Honors College, including transdisciplinary and experiential opportunities for students to break traditional academic boundaries and think differently.
Dr. Compton’s gift enables students to take intellectual risks and try new things. This approach is fundamental to many existing programs in Franke Honors, including the early undergraduate research Quest program, the Honors Thesis, the Future Earth Resilience and Health and Human Values minors, the Honors Civic Leadership Certificate, and the college’s new degree program, the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII). His generosity will fuel the wonder of generations of Franke Wildcats, enabling them to make the most of their undergraduate experience.
The Compton Fund for Exploration
Open to any Franke Honors student, Exploratory Mini Grants can be used to fund projects inside or outside of a student’s primary major, and are often used in support of Quest, Honors Thesis, or faculty-mentored Individual Study projects.
The Compton Chair for Creative Intelligence and Innovation
This endowed faculty position, held by Dr. Jacqueline Melvold, oversees the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation degree program and creates a path for innovative scholarship and pedagogy within Franke Honors.