Your Franke Honors Advisors:
- Help you stay on track to graduate with honors while pursuing your chosen degree path
- Build your Honors Pathway
- Connect you with courses and opportunities to help you grow academically and professionally
We recommend you meet with your Franke Honors Advisor at least once a semester. To make an advising appointment, please schedule using the links below.
From signing up for classes to getting career advice, your advisors are here to help.
What's the difference between an academic advisor and a Franke Honors advisor?
Your academic advisor is determined based on your chosen major. Once you select your major, you will be assigned an advisor within your academic college. They can tell you what courses are required for your major, approve the use of transfer credit toward your degree, or sign off on your major graduation requirements. Find your academic advisor on your UAccess homepage or through the Advising Resource Center advisor directory.
Your Franke Honors advisor is here to help you select a major and stay on a path within your chosen major to graduate with honors. They will help you find ways to earn honors credits, even outside of honors courses. They can connect you with opportunities that are unique to Franke Honors students, such as undergraduate research, study abroad, and service learning.
Franke Honors Advisors are assigned to students based on the first letter of the student's last name.
Students initiate the degree audit process by applying for graduation via UAccess. The deadline is Sept 1st for December graduates and Feb 1st for May or August graduates.
Once the student has applied to graduate they will then meet with their academic advisor in their primary major. If applicable, students may need to see the advisor in their 2nd major or minor, if necessary. Students need not meet with their Honors Advisor. The W. A. Franke Honors College will submit a list of students approved to graduate with honors directly to Graduation Services at the end of the semester.
Students expecting to graduate with honors, should expect an email from their Honors Academic Advisor confirming their progress toward graduation with honors. The Honors Advisor will outline the number of Honors units completed thus far and the number still needed to graduate with honors. They will also confirm the student’s GPA is 3.4 (or can be reasonably expected to reach 3.4 by graduation). Finally, the Honors Advisor will outline the process for submitting the Honors Thesis to the W.A. Franke Honors College by the assigned deadline
Any concerns about thesis projects in-progress, or graduation specifics should be addressed to the students assigned Honors Advisor. Please email the appropriate advisor based on the student's last name.
Most academic departments have designated a faculty member to serve as the Honors Faculty Liaisons for students in their major.
The Honors Faculty Liaison does not generally provide academic advising on degree requirements; rather, this individual provides mentorship and guidance to honors students who are interested in becoming more engaged in their discipline, seeking special research opportunities, or planning for graduate school or careers. Honors Faculty Liaisons can also help students plan for the honors thesis/capstone and answer questions about research in their areas of interest.